Whistleblowing Reports

In implementation of (It.) Legislative Decree of 10 March 2023, no. 24, the Company has set up the prescribed channels for receiving and handling reports known as "whistleblowing".


Who can make a report?

  • Shareholders and persons with roles of administration, management, control, supervision, or representation, even where such functions are exercised on a de facto basis, at the Company;
  • Employees, trainees, self-employed workers, freelancers, and consultants working for the Company;
  • Individuals who have held the above-mentioned roles in the past, if information on violations was acquired during the course of the relationship, and individuals with whom the relationship has not yet formalised - e.g. candidates for personnel selection or employees during the probationary period.

Anonymous reports are allowed, provided they are substantiated.


Areas of potential reporting

The list is very comprehensive and complex. For the sake of completeness, please refer to (It.) Legislative Decree no. 24/2023.


Reporting channels

The company has entrusted the handling of reports to experienced and specialised consultants. The following channels are available for reporting:

  • Freephone number: 800 - 689257 (The call is recorded)
  • E-mail address: [email protected]
  • The whistleblower also has the right to request a direct meeting with the company in charge of managing the reporting channels, in order to submit the report in a confidential interview; it will be sufficient to make a request through one of the two channels indicated above, leaving a contact address.

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